iOS Shopping App
Redesign of iOS app for Upside Commerce, iOS platform. Integrating design ideas from Material Design, cards, and pinterest style feeds.
This redesign for Upside Commerce was a rapid iteration, following a rush to market release. The original app concept was designed for Windows Phone and was over 5 years old, not only that, the designs were platform agnostic and dark themed. The redesign needed to be light and breathable, and utilize platform relevant design patterns.
The problem: Approach re-design from persona based research - making sure new features and previously existing features were easily discoverable for new and existing users.
The process: First was the task of developing four strong persona's from data consisting of field testing friends and family users, and cross referencing the original marketing personas. Early sketches were low-fidelity physical sketches to inform priority of designs for mobile devs.
Interactive Marvel Prototype
Note: Play button launches an interactive clickable demo. It is NOT a video.